Download Video Move Your Body to Move Your Brush in Chinese Painting and Calligraphy

This is video new Move Your Body to Move Your Brush in Chinese Painting and Calligraphy. you can see the video :

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Description :
This is a follow video to a very popular article distributed to the OAS email list. The article was on the benefits of a still mind and a body in motion.

It presented the activity of painting and calligraphy as a unique way to move your body in the way that people who practice Tai Chi, Yoga, or dancing move.

We demonstrate simple body movements that can power brush strokes that have more energy, confidence, and control. This is great for anyone who feels like the pressure to paint something “good” gets in the way of them painting with the frequency that is necessary to receive the benefits of practicing Chinese Brush Painting and Calligraphy. Just relax, pick up your brush, move your body and see what happens!

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Views : 933
Rating : 5.00

Video Duration : 00:12:49
Video Time : 1604623407
Video Date : 2020-11-06 08:43:27
Author : Oriental Art Supply

Video Likes : 48
Video Dislikes : 0

Keywoard : calligraphy

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